Sunday, January 15, 2012

vestiarium Guild

The "vestiarium guild" (translated from Latin mean Clothier) shall strive to make historical accurate clothing from the period of 1066 to 1603 AD and to exchange techniques and knowledge in the designing, pattern making, and the making of historical garments for ones persona, social structure as dictated by the apparel laws of their era. The guild member shall be able to make period clothing using patterns drawn from research to draw their own clothing patterns which include undergarments, accessories; i.e. hats, garments, and over garments as per social class and era from 1066 to 1603 (western European culture) and to sew the same.
It is encourage that all members of the vestiarum guild, shall use as much as possible period fabric and fibers to create their project. Although we do not concentrate on the making of these items through drop spinning, spinning wheel, and or weaving, the guild will recognize these types of work for the making of clothing, but the main goal of the guild is to strive in the tailoring of clothing.


To gain, research, and be able to share knowledge in both techniques, instructions, and to expand their knowledge in designing and creating historically by closely as possible to the techniques of the era and as much as possible tailor made clothing for the guild’s member persona from 1066 – 1603AD of Western European Culture. To gain an appreciation in the understanding of the apparel laws, set by their era, and society needs, and to be able to encourage other members of the guild to expand their knowledge as well as to others of the Adrian Empire.


To join, or leave the investiarium guild it is required that one must be a member of the Adrian Empire and show a dedicated interest in research, pattern making and sewing techniques in the making of , as much as possible historical tailor garments to that of their persona and era, and to the social class that the member so chooses to represent as per the apparel laws of the era that the member so chooses to represent from 1066 to 1603AD of western European Culture, and undergo guild sessions of learning the historical research, pattern making and the tailoring of garments of the era that the member so chooses as set by Adrian Empire guild lines for era represented.

To take part in demos, and to work on tailoring either as a group, or by solo, under the vestiarium guild. To take the “Guild iuramento” (Guild Oath) given by the guild master known as the “magister Guild” or by appointed representatives of the magister Guild.

All "vestiarium guild" members shall give to the magister Guild information pertaining to their real name and play name, email address, phone number and a knowledge of their sewing, and tailor skills, and shall become a member to the official communications of the "vestiaium Guild." All "vestiarium guild" members shall make an attempt to participate in guild activities, and when need calls on the member to submit articles to the chronicle, and to be able to teach their skills related to vestarium either through the guild or through symposiums.

All members of "vestiarium guild" must keep memberships in good standing as set down by the membership rules of the Adrian Empire and to prove the same to satisfy beyond a doubt that the member is in good standing to the “magister Guild” of the “vestiarium guild.” The guild member must also be active within the "vestiarium guild" and if one shows no interest at the discretion of the magister Guild one will be released from the guild after one year has lapsed of membership involvement within the guild. For those members that do not full fill the requirements, a grace period of one year shall be provided to reinstate oneself into the "vestiarium guild," and a request in writing must be submitted to “magister Guild” stating their reason, along with their advancements to be reinstated to the vestiarium guild.

In leaving the "investiarum Guild" a letter of Intent on leaving needs to be given – no reason need be given to the “magister Guild.” On approval of the letter the member shall no longer retain any advancements and or and guild titles earned and that the guild member must return all guild items to the “magister Guild” once dismissal is granted. If a members wishes to reverse his or her decision on leaving the guild a letter of Reinstatement in writing must be submitted to the “magister Guild” stating reasons and any advancement titles that one has earned to be reinstated to “investiarium Guild” within one year after been approved to leave the guild.

Guild iuramento

Members iuramento:

Here do I swear by mouth and hand; by needles, thimbles, and scissors. To uphold the rules of the guild, for guild service and to garnet no favor for my work and to make sure that all measured things understood in all things involving the guild. To strive to be as flawless in my seams, and patterns as possible in my work and to grade others as I would be graded upon; and to never pass off a flawed garment of flaws and imperfection information about the guild or of its members.
So say I

Magister Guild iuramento:

On my part, I hereby swear to protect you in all things practice in ye guild. To grade you fairly, to provide you the knowledge that I can, and to seek out knowledge, I do not have. Too accept any and all problem, and flaws, and to live by the oath sworn here this day.
So say I magister Guild

or representation assigned by magister Guild


– The member is to learn during research, to make patterns, and be familiar with the use of drafting instruments in creating patterns. TIRO after joining the “vestiarium Guild” may choose to enter a project at the arts and science list as per arts and science rules as set forth by Adrian Empire. Members in this level may approach members of higher ranking in the “vestiarium guild,” of which must be approved by the “magister Guild” to request apprenticeship with that member of higher advancement and must be mutually agreed upon by the parties

Seamstress – One must have been entering arts and science list in Adrian Empire with tailor works from1066 to 1603AD, and have acquire the instruments for sewing and pattern making and the knowledge in their uses and as a member has been entering arts lists with tailor works (1066 to 1603 AD). Members in this levels may approach members of the “vestiarium guild,” of which must be approved by the “magester Guild” to request apprenticeship with a member of higher ranking and must be mutually agreed upon by the parties

Phasellus - the member will be able to contribute knowledge, skills or and techniques in designing and techniques of tailoring garments: To be able to understand the technique and be able to reproduce garments for the era of 1066 to 1603 AD of western European Culture pending the member’s persona. Research, of apparel laws to include, social class, fabric and the meaning of colors as per persona for the era represented. Be able to make garment patterns and to tailor the same. Substitution of materials and methods will be allowed, but must be documented and that every attempt to create an article of clothing must be as period as possible. Must be able to make at least two pieces of clothing. NO commercial patterns will be allowed. Acceptable projects for clothing will depend on the persona of the era, and be dictated by the persona social class within that era. A member may also add embroidery and or embellishments with information regarding materials, colors, social class, and historical research.

The member must have been entering the arts lists for at least one year and has worked on a demo and has achieved a journeyman’s win with a tailor entry in an Adrian Empire arts and science tournament. Must have submitted two articles to be published in the local chronicles and a copy of these articles to “vestiarium Guild” archives. This advancement level the member who is apprenticed to an individual of higher advancement may terminate their apprenticeship if they feel confident to do so.

magister sartor – A member must have either completed all prerequisites of advancements and or making a living on custom patterns and garment making in the mundane world. Has won a masterwork on the knights list with a tailoring project either by garments or and be a master research paper and has submitted two articles on tailoring to the local chronicles and a copy to the “vestiarium Guild” achieves. The magister sartor also is to prepare a portfolio including research proof of tailor, and or seamstress skills for tailor work from 1066 to 1603 AD western European culture and to tailor the garments in question on the research provided via of apparel laws, fabric and acceptable colors as per apparel laws and the meaning of colors as per persona for the era represented and be able to design patterns based off of historical research and be able to construct all aspects of the garment from 1066 to 1603AD with as much of period methods and materials that are available. Substitution of materials and methods will be allowed, but must be documented and that every attempt to create an article of clothing must be as period as possible. A member may also add embroidery and or embellishments with information regarding materials, colors, social class, and historical research. Garments presented must contain undergarments, accessories (ie hats) garments and outer garments and must be based on historical research of the social class, and era, including western European culture from the years of 1066 to 1603 AD of which the member represents. The “magister sartor” must be able to continue in participating in the “vestiarium Guild” and to present demos and be willing to teach and instruct the lesser advance members of the vestiarium Guild.”

Participation and Ownership

Every attempt shall be made if possible for members to attend demos and events, and to practice the art of tailoring within “vestiarium Guild” sessions. For attendance a guild point will be issue to its members that participate in, which shall be used for the advancement of the member to a higher advancement in “Advancement.” In participating in demos, member needs only to participate at the demo in helping but is recommended to bring a finish pieces of clothing for display. The member may also bring projects with them to present a working demo.

Guild Points: These point are of no value to the Adrian Empire and will not earn one a knighthood, however these points do count for the guild member’s advancement through advancements. These points follow similarly to that of the Adrian Empire Arts and Science List for advancement to knight level.

Ownership: All research materials, personal books, patterns made by the member, sewing tools, pattern instruments, textiles, and notions brought by the member will, remains the property of the guild member. “vestiarium Guild" may request a copy of the guild member’s research articles, and at the decision of the “magister Guild” may request photos of member’s project for the archives. If any of the items listed above is so loaned out to other members of the guild, the guild shall not be held accountable for these items. All items issued by the guild to its members shall remain the property of the “vestiarium Guild” and must be surrender to the “magister Guild” on leaving of the guild.

Guild Meetings, Elections, Description of Offices

Guild Meetings: The "vestiarium Guild," shall hold at least two official gathering meetings per year that will take place or near the time at Imperial Banner Wars (May) and Silent Knight (December) and amendments can be brought up at these times in writing prior to the meeting. Meetings may also be called forthwith by the “magister Guild” at “investiarium Guild” sessions to resolve and mediate issues that need to be resolved immediately. Any member of the “vestiarium Guild” in good standing may present a new rule or amendment to a rule in writing prior to the official guild meeting where a vote will be taken. For the betterment of the “vestiarium Guild; magister Guild” will have final say if a tie vote, and will be the decider. On line discussions will take place by the official guild communications chat room pertaining to matters of the “vestiarim Guild” and may be brought up at one of the meetings. All members, are encourage to contribute on the guild issues.

Election of magister Guild: The title shall go to the highest advancement member by election, but should be ideally from the “magister sartor” of one that wishes to take this office. Elections will be held ever five years (5) and the “magister sartor” may choose to run as many terms as the members elect him of her in. If there is no one else in “magister sartor” running against another “magister” of same advancement, and he or she wishes to be master, than by advancement title the person will become “magister Guild.” If no one from the “magister sartor” chooses to run, than the position will go to next lower advancement level following the same rules as above, and so on till a member is elected as “magister Guild.” TIRO will not be allowed to run for position of “magister Guild." The “magister Guild” must maintain his or her membership standings current under the Adrian Empire membership rules (July 1st to June 30th – life membership non applicable) and is not, must step down as “magister Guild” and loose all advancements and titles as set forth in the “vestiarium Guild” charter membership. Elections will take place on the weekend of Imperial Banner Wars.

If the magister Guild so chooses to volunteer to step down, a letter of stepping down intent must be submitted to the "vestiarium Guild" with reason of why the "magister Guild" is stepping down. On date the letter is received of the magister Guild stepping down, the office post will become open, and title of "magister Guild" must be surrender. The "magister Guild" may choose to stay within the guild at his/her pervious advancement before taking the office.

In the event that the "magister Guild" chooses to step down or is terminated because of membership issues in the Adrian Empire the members of the "vestiarium Guild" shall convene to elect a successor to finish the term of the previous elected "magister Guild" of which regular schedule elections will take place.

During the time of the "magister Guild" stepping down till a new "magister Guild" is elected, the next highest officer if appointed by the previous "magister Guild" will be instated until the new "magister Guild" is elected. If there is no officer appointed than it will go to "magister sartor" of who will appoint an intern "magister Guide" until after elections.

Magister Guild: The "magister Guild" as set forth will be responsible in keeping the records of its members, to mediate any member’s problems concerning the guild and mediate any other problems that may occur within the guild, to issue the guild iuramento to new members, to issue guild badges to the guild members, and to be accountable for the guild points of its members by attendance and by advancements through the advancement regulations, to issue advancements to the guild members within "vestiarium Guild." To act as keeper of the archive and to delegate responsibilities to the appointed officers as appointed by the magister guild.

Assigning officers: Each officer assigned by the magister Guild will be held accountable of keeping their membership current with Adrian Empire as set by rules of membership and be responsible to reporting to the magister Guild. Officers, may choose to step down, but must submit a letter to the "magister Guild." No reason need be given. A new officer will be appointed by the "magister Guild" if deem necessary. The officer must be selected from the highest advancement level members of the guild to fill the position and if no one at that advancement is available, than the next member in a lower advancement shall be asked. When the "magister Guild" steps down, all officers will be dismissed, and the new "magister Guild" will select the officers needed.

ANNALIUM, Senescallus: (appointed by guild master) - Be responsible for keeping the guild records which will include the keeping of member’s records of guild sessions, addresses, and documentation records. Will also be responsible to take inventory of the vestiarium Guild and present it in a yearly report to the "magister Guild" due at Imperial Banner Wars, and to keep the archives records of the guild. The ANNALIUM, Senescallus will serve under the magister Guild and to advice the "magister Guild."

Aenean Ministrum: (appointed by guild master) - Look after "vestiarium Guild" official communication as a modulator, and to keep the, vestiarium Guild web blog up to date. To present a yearly report to the "magister Guild," and to make updates to either the blog or the official communications chat room under the advice of the "magister Guild."

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